CareerSource Florida Policies

Strategic policies to support workforce system strategies

The CareerSource Florida Board of Directors approves strategic policies for the Florida Workforce System. Information about administrative policies and guidance affecting Florida’s workforce system can be obtained from the Department of Commerce’s website.
Policy #Policy TitlePurpose & ScopeEffective DateDEO GuidanceDocuments
2024.06.18.A.2Emergency ResponseThis policy directs workforce system operations to be both flexible and maximize assistance across the CareerSource Florida network. The policy describes the role of CareerSource Florida during disasters and states of emergency and provides a framework for coordinating services with federal, state and local partners including the Florida Department of Commerce (FloridaCommerce) and local workforce development boards.06/18/2024
2023.10.12.A.1Statewide Standardization of Tools and ServicesThis policy supports partnership, encourages predictability, and ensures attainment of shared performance goals, state procured technology, tools and services shall be used by all local workforce development boards and local workforce development areas as well as regional planning areas.10/12/2023
2023.09.19.A.2Education and Industry ConsortiumsThis policy requires local workforce development boards to appoint education and industry consortiums composed of local leaders who provide independent information from stakeholders in their local area. Local workforce development boards shall consider this information in creating strategies and local plans that describe efforts to provide educational and workforce opportunities to businesses and job seekers. 09/19/2023
2023.09.19.A.1Regional Planning AreasThis policy describes Regional Planning areas made up of two or more local workforce development areas to improve workforce system alignment within larger economic development areas to support economic mobility, growth and prosperity.09/19/2023
2023.06.07.A.5Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) Strategy Consistent with the objectives of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the State Workforce Development Plan, CareerSource Florida developed the Florida Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) Dashboard. This information tool allows one-stop center staff to assist Floridians in visualizing how returning to work or upskilling to a higher-paying occupation could impact their future earnings and public benefits as their household progresses along the path to self-sufficiency. 06/07/2023
2021.12.09.A.1Comprehensive Employment Education and Training StrategyThis policy encourages local workforce development boards to use all allowable resources and to collaborate with all partners and to develop innovative strategies that create simplified access to and provide excellent customer service for Florida’s workforce; focus on continuous improvement, strengthen partnerships to leverage shared resources and eliminate duplication of services; align programs and resources to meet local market demand in occupations that lead to self-sustaining jobs; and, implement data-driven accountability measures and quantifiable outcomes related to training programs, employment and services to Florida businesses. 12/09/2021
2021.09.15.A.2Availability of Services to FloridiansThis policy and attached resources describe statewide expectations for local workforce development boards as they develop local policies to enhance customer service, set and publicly post hours of operation for one-stop career centers and reinforce the importance of comprehensive communication.09/15/2021

2021.06.09.A.1Statewide Workforce Development Board Policymaking Authority and Delegation Policy This policy clarifies the policymaking authority of CareerSource Florida, the state workforce development board, and the delegation of various policymaking roles. The state workforce development board establishes the administrative and operational role of the CareerSource Florida professional team and CareerSource Florida’s administrative entity, the Florida Department of Commerce, in providing policy direction and guidance to the state’s local workforce development boards (LWDBs) and other impacted parties.06/09/2021
2021.06.09.A.2Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion System Strategic PolicyThis policy requires Rapid Response funds to be used by local workforce development boards to establish Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion systems and provide Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion Systems as described in Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 19-16 and CareerSource Florida Administrative Policy on Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion.06/09/2021
2020.06.04.A.2State Workforce Development Board Roles and ResponsibilitiesThis policy delineates the roles and responsibilities for the state board within the state’s workforce development system. The state workforce development board establishes and directs the vision for the state workforce system to align with strategic partners within workforce investment, education and economic development systems. The CareerSource Florida network’s strategic partners are those described within the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Florida Statutes. The CareerSource Florida network comprises the state workforce development board, the Florida Commerce, Florida’s local workforce development boards, chief local elected officials, and local career centers.12/09/2021
2020.02.20.A.1Board Governance and Leadership PolicyThis policy requires local workforce development boards to align local strategies and policies for employment, education and training with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Florida law and the state’s workforce development plan. The policy states specific roles and responsibilities for Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs), fiscal agents, local workforce development boards, the chair of local workforce development boards, and the executive director representing the local workforce development board.12/09/2021
2019.02.13.A.1Apprenticeship PolicyThis policy revises and replaces CareerSource Florida Strategic Policy establishing the statewide workforce development strategy on Registered Apprenticeships and goals for apprenticeship expansion. Local workforce development boards shall promote and support the development of registered pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs and implement apprenticeship strategies consistent with WIOA and Florida Statutes. These strategies shall be described in local and regional planning area WIOA Plans.12/09/2021
2018.09.26.A.1CareerSource Florida Ethics and Transparency PolicyThis policy communicates expectations about ethics and transparency in Florida’s workforce system to maintain integrity, accountability and transparency in decisions and actions that earn and protect the public trust.12/09/2021
2018.02.14.A.2Sector Strategies PolicyThis policy lays out the State of Florida’s strategic vision for effective sector strategies. Local Workforce Development Boards are required to include their approach to establishing, implementing and sustaining effective sector strategies in their local workforce development plans. 12/09/2021

CareerSource Florida Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Disclosure PolicyCareerSource Florida promotes an ethical and transparent structure within the public-private corporation. All board members shall sign an acknowledgment of this policy to be filed with the CSF professional team upon appointment to the CSF Board of Directors. 12/09/2021
2013.08.29.A.1Performance Incentives PolicyAnnually establishes performance incentives aligned with the CareerSource Florida, Inc. Board of Directors’ strategic goals and objectives and recognizes the efforts local boards within the CareerSource Florida network make towards targeted strategies and rewarding increased outcomes. 08/29/2013
2013.05.22.A.3Florida Workforce System Statewide BrandThis policy establishes a statewide brand identity, unified brand charter, nomenclature and logo for Florida’s statewide workforce system; CareerSource Florida, Inc. (CSF), the state workforce board; and all local workforce boards within the CareerSource Florida network. 12/09/2021
2002.01.09.A.3Recapture and Reallocation of WIOA Funds This policy requires an annual review of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funding obligations for all local workforce development boards within the CareerSource Florida network. If the Department of Commerce determines the state is at risk of not meeting required obligation levels, WIOA funds may be recaptured from local workforce development boards with obligation levels below the threshold and reallocated to local workforce development boards that have met the threshold for obligations. 01/09/2002
2000.08.15.I.8DCertification of Local Workforce Development Areas and Local Workforce Development Boards This policy establishes requirements for local workforce development board composition. CareerSource Florida professional staff and its administrative entity, DEO, are authorized to periodically review local workforce development board membership and develop and modify policies in consultation with the Governor and state workforce development board for compliance. 08/15/2000
2000.06.21.A.1Incumbent Worker Training ProgramThis policy ensures the Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) grant program as administered by the state workforce development board and funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) helps established Florida businesses upgrade the skills of their current employees to promote expansion and growth, and to assist and engage with businesses to prevent layoffs through a layoff-aversion strategy as described in the Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion System Strategic Policy.12/09/2021