Florida’s chief elected officials have a vital role in the state’s workforce development system. The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) prescribes specific roles and responsibilities to chief elected officials that impact both the local areas and the state’s overall workforce development. This webinar offers a brief overview of these roles and responsibilities.
The learning objectives for this training are to: 1) support chief elected officials’ understanding of WIOA as a tool to drive workforce and economic development in their communities; 2) help chief elected officials understand their roles and responsibilities outlined in the law as well as the roles and responsibilities of local workforce development board members and board staff, and the firewalls required to prevent conflicts of interest and mitigate risk to the integrity of federal funding; and 3) ensure chief elected officials understand key roles and responsibilities assigned to them under the law to support comprehensive oversight of the public workforce system.

Audience: Chief elected officials of local workforce development boards
Format: Video
Date: May 2021