CareerSource Florida is committed to providing evidence-based solutions to drive economic growth for the state’s job seekers and businesses. Available below are state, federal and other reports and publications.

CareerSource Florida Annual Report
As an organization and as a statewide network, CareerSource Florida expanded its efforts to advance a series of ongoing and new initiatives over this past year to foster prosperity among Floridians, striving to enhance economic well-being and individual success.

CareerSource Florida Network Impact
CareerSource Florida is the statewide workforce policy and investment board. Our partners include the Department of Economic Opportunity, local workforce development boards and career centers throughout Florida. Together, we help connect businesses with the talented workforce and training needed to succeed and grow.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Combined Plan
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) guides states in achieving and maintaining an integrated, outcome-oriented public workforce system that links diverse talent to businesses. This is accomplished through customer-driven workforce solutions and excellent customer service that support strong regional economies.