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Tallahassee, Fla. – Several of Florida’s top workforce, education and economic leaders gathered today with members of the CareerSource Florida Board of Directors to share policy priorities and deepen a shared vision for how to strengthen the state’s talent pipeline. The Florida Leaders Policy Forum included remarks from Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran, Department of Children and Families Secretary Chad Poppell, Department of Corrections Secretary Mark Inch and Beth Cicchetti, executive director of the Florida Economic Development Council.
“Florida’s economy is strong, and all Floridians win when we ensure opportunities for prosperity are made available to individuals and communities facing challenges,” said Kevin Doyle, Chairman of the CareerSource Florida Board of Directors. “We value the insights of our partners who have expertise and ideas that can strengthen our collaboration to advance Governor DeSantis’ bold vision for a brighter future.”
Jimmy Patronis, Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida, said, “Florida’s economy is incredibly healthy and much of that economic success starts with our educated and talented workforce. To attract and retain high-wage industries in Florida, we must have a workforce with the right skills prepared for new and innovative markets. The future is bright for tech-savvy professionals, particularly in the growing field of financial technology. We must continue to work together to provide Florida’s workforce the tools and resources they need to succeed.”
Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education, said, “Today’s economy demands a better educated workforce than ever before, and jobs require more complex knowledge and skills than the jobs of the past. Under the bold leadership of Governor DeSantis, Florida is making tremendous strides in aligning our Career and Technical Education system to ensure students will have a world class education foundation so they will always be adept and valuable in an ever–changing job market. Working with CareerSource Florida and our state agency partners, as well as legislators, parents, students and educators, Florida is on track to become No. 1 in the nation in workforce education by 2030.”
Chad Poppell, Secretary of the Florida Department of Children and Families, said, “Florida’s foster and adoptive children are strong and driven, and their potential to overcome hardships is unparalleled, but they depend on us to ensure they have opportunities to pursue stable, bright futures. Through meaningful collaboration with other state agencies and partner organizations, we can develop a comprehensive approach to promoting educational achievement and workforce preparation that will allow them – and all Florida children – to live full, purposeful and productive lives.”
Mark Inch, Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections, said, “Providing returning citizens with the skills and opportunities they need to find stable and meaningful employment is critical to their success. Our partnership with CareerSource Florida and the Florida HIRES program is an excellent example of how we can work together to help incarcerated individuals begin working on in-demand job skills well before leaving the correctional system. Providing evidence-based training and employment assistance reduces recidivism and makes Florida a safer place to live.”
Jamal Sowell, Florida Secretary of Commerce and President and CEO, Enterprise Florida, said, “If our goal is to strengthen Florida’s economy by broadening and diversifying the industries that thrive here – and it is – then we all have a stake in ensuring that tomorrow’s workers are prepared to take on changing roles. It’s never been more important to listen to businesses and work with our education and workforce development partners to meet emerging industry needs.”
Michelle Dennard, President and CEO of CareerSource Florida, said, “I’m grateful for today’s conversation as we continue to seek innovative ways to create competitive communities and inclusive opportunities. Under Governor DeSantis’ leadership, our business-led state workforce board is keenly focused on advancing policies that enhance education and training available to all Floridians, working closely with partners to align these opportunities with the current and emerging needs of industry.”
The business-led CareerSource Florida Board of Directors develops and guides workforce policy and investment for the state of Florida with a specific focus on meeting the current and future needs of growing industry sectors. The next board meeting is tomorrow in Tallahassee.
CareerSource Florida, with its business-led board of directors, provides policy direction for talent development programs administered by the Department of Economic Opportunity, Florida’s 24 local workforce development boards and their 100 career centers. The CareerSource Florida State Board serves as the Governor’s principal workforce policy and investment board, working in partnership with DEO, which is responsible for the state workforce system’s fiscal and administrative affairs, and local workforce development boards that serve Florida’s businesses and career seekers. Together, the CareerSource Florida network connects employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity. Learn more at careersourceflorida.com.