Master Credentials List

The Master Credentials List, required by the Reimagining Education and Career Help (REACH) Act, is a comprehensive list of state-approved degree and non-degree credentials of value that prepare Floridians for in-demand occupations. The Florida Credentials Review Committee established the following definition for credentials of value: Any credential defined in Chapter 14.36(2)(a), Florida Statutes, that also satisfies the criteria set forth in the Framework of Quality, which includes demand, wage and sequencing criteria.

The Master Credentials List serves as a public and transparent inventory of state-approved credentials of value, directs the use of federal and state funds for workforce education and training programs that lead to approved credentials of value, and guides workforce education and training programs by informing the public of the credentials that have value in the current or future job market. The following Master Credentials Lists are active from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.

Additional Information


The Master Credentials List application is open year-round for Florida school districts, Florida College System institutions and local workforce development boards to submit credentials for consideration for the Master Credentials List. The following types of credentials may be submitted for consideration via the application: Advanced Technical Certificates, career certificates, college credit certificates, industry certifications, Registered Apprenticeship certificates, licenses, Applied Technology Diplomas, Associate in Applied Science degrees, and Associate in Science degrees. Credentials submitted through the online application will be evaluated against the Framework of Quality and considered by the Credentials Review Committee for inclusion on the Master Credentials List on a quarterly basis.

Career and Professional Education (CAPE) Act

Secondary and postsecondary industry certifications seeking eligibility for Career and Professional Education (CAPE) Act funding must submit a Master Credentials List application. The submission must meet both CAPE eligibility criteria set forth in Rule 6A-6.0576, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register and standards defined in the Framework of Quality. Industry certifications seeking CAPE Act funding will be reviewed annually. The deadline for CAPE funding submissions is Sept. 30 for the school cycle beginning in the following calendar year.

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